Wednesday 7 January 2009


I started off setting up the camera on a tri-pod near the stairs on the fourth floor (media department) facing towards the wall. I got the actors to stand infront of the camera, facing their back to the wall so the background would be a plain colour. I regret having the wall in the background because it makes the video look dull because of the colour of it. I shot the people laughing in any order to what i planned because, if i didn't like it, i could change the order when i edit it.
When i was editing my video it seemed to be a bit boring so i put some words in before some clips for example before the actor 'Martin' starts dancing i added something like 'even the most unexpected things can make us laugh!' This improved my video a lot more.
When i exibited my video, everything was where i wanted it to be, and i got quite good feedback from the questionairres.

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