Wednesday 7 January 2009


I enjoyed making the video and editing it but if i could start again there is a few things i would change. For example i would have recorded it in a diffrent area like infront of a window in a media class because they are high up so their is a good view from them. I also would have added a song to the video to improve it as the sound of the actors laughing isnt what i expected it to be like since i wanted it to be constant.

I'm glad i chose to film the people in my meda class because, i wanted to exibit it in college so they would be able to see the final piece. The purpose of my film was to show that people laugh at different things and that eveyone does laugh, i think i got this point across once i had exibited it.
I think one of the things that was bad about this video is there isnt as many clips of things that make people laugh as i would of wanted there to be.
Overall i think my video is good for a first attempt and i will be more confident to do another film, because i am more confident with using the video camera and editing my clips.
When i had set up the camera in the right position i needed to go around to ask the students in my class to participate in the video, but it wasn't that easy because, they didn't want to be in the video or couldn't be bovered. However once the first few people did it others agreed. For the end scene of my video i asked students from the second year to be in my video as well so the group would be bigger.
When i was filming Martin dancing i had hoped that i could record three people dancing but one was absent and the other felt embarrassed. I felt annoyed but during the filming Martin pulled Zoyia into the shot so it turned out better than i expected and it also made it more humorous!
Post Production
When i was editing i didn't have a clear idea of what i wanted it to be like. My original plan was to have people laughing in slow motion but when i tried that the sound got deeper, so they sounded like giants and it looked really bad too! Once i looked through the options of diffrent things i could put in the video, i started to get a picture in my mind of what i wanted it to be like. I didnt want the video to be the same throughout so every scene is different, as they all change from one scene to the next in different ways.
When i had finished editing i watched it over and over again and still wasn't 100% sure about it. I added in some text and somehow it made it much better!
I didnt want to change the room about when i was exibiting my video, because i wanted it to be the same as it always is and have media students in there to watch the video. Everyone was sat at the desks facing toward the screen where the film would be projected. I was so glad that people were laughing at the video when they watched it! I was hoping that the dancing would make them laugh the most, and it did!
I handed out questionairres for people who watched it to say what they thought about, its good points and bad and what they would give it out of 10. Most people said it made them laugh and said that they would have liked it to be longer. I think it makes people feel better once they watched it because they were all smilling at the end of it which is a plus!

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