Tuesday 7 October 2008


This is a film by Godfrey Reggio. It starts by the camera zooming out of cave drawings of people, followed by a explosion of fire. For the beginning of the film it shows different camera views of rothat have been destroyed.
After the wars, demolition takes place on the high rise flats, then new buildings are shown and busy places which shows us the opposite of what we just saw! In the night of the city lots of electricity is being used by people turning lights in their houses on and the billboard lights.
Next it changes to the manufacture of clothes, cars, electrical equipment and food. Different types of entertainment and leisure such as shopping, the arcade, cinema, bowling and going out to eat are shown.
Then lots of people are being shown, showing different emotions e.g sad, happy, lonely, tired, bored etc. A rocket is recorded taking of and then unexpectedly it explodes! Right at the end we go back to the begging of the movie and see cave drawings again!
cky mountains, caves, rivers and trees. It looks deserted and empty like a desert. In side a cave we can see bats flying around as they fly into the light beaming into the rock. The scenery changes to the sky with white clouds floating by, then onto waterfalls and oceans. The speed of the film speeds up as it travels towards a flat peak of a mountain. Then suddenly we see another
Every thing becomes very different because now we see man made things e.g factories, power stations, pylons, lorries. And there are men working with them. Again it shows another huge explosion! We then see different transports like cars and airplanes. Next we see what is used in wars, tanks, bombs, air force planes, rockets, ground to air missile, aircraft carrier. We also see lots more explosions and the destruction the war has caused. There are ghost town and derelict houses and flats
The music is very important in this film due to there being no dialogue. Overall this film was impressive because of all the different images of the world shown and how humans have destroyed something that was ALL beautiful once!

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