Monday 6 October 2008

Telling Lies

Telling Lies is a short film made by Simon Ellis and it is 4 minutes and 9 seconds long. 
The back ground throughout the whole film is black and only words appear on the screen instead of pictures or video clips! The words appear in different colours and font sizes, for example if someone is shouting the font size is bigger. 
The sound in this film is non digetic because you can not see who is talking and you cant see the phone when it rings. 
The words that appear on the screen are different from the words that are being spoken because it shows the viewer what the person wants to say, hence the title 'Telling lies'. This basically tells us that all people tell white lies!
This film could be improved by making the writing more clear because sometimes it is very difficult to read it! Also it sometimes shows the words too quick and you cant finish reading what it says!
Overall i thought this film was very good, it could do with improving but its very humorous and i enjoyed watching it!

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